Accessing Equity in Lung Cancer Screening
We are excited to offer GO2 Screening Centers of Excellence the opportunity to participate in a research study funded by the American Cancer Society! The purpose of this study is to assess the barriers to and facilitators to screening in diverse communities and practice settings and to explore how patient, provider, and system factors impact lung cancer screening uptake and outcomes. The investigative team is recruiting 10 COEs over the next six months.
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Participating programs will be provided $2500 annually to participate in the program over the next four years.
We are recruiting 10 lung cancer screening programs located in the south and Appalachia region. In those 10 programs, we will:
We are seeking 10 screening programs to join us by December 2024.
Screening programs must be community-based (vs. academic) and have completed at least 50 lung cancer screening exams in the past year to be eligible to participate. The study team will work with participating programs over the first year to complete study onboarding, data use agreements, and other logistics.
- Annual compensation
- Personalized program report
- Process map
- Online support community
Researchers from Drexel University and the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill are conducting a study to better understand processes related to decision-making and counseling for lung cancer screening in community-based programs in your region.
Jan Eberth is Professor and Chair of Health Management and Policy at Drexel Dornsife School of Public Health. Her research focuses on social and structural factors related to cancer health disparities. She is the Principal Investigator of this American Cancer Society-funded research study.
Jan M. Eberth, PhD Professor and Chair of the Department of Health Management and PolicyAlison Brenner is faculty at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine and Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. Her research focuses on cancer screening implementation and quality improvement. She is the UNC site lead for this American Cancer Society-funded research study lead by Dr. Eberth.
Alison Brenner, PhD, MPH Assistant Professor of Medicine