Lung Cancer Survivors AND Caregivers are invited to join a project that aims to elevate the voices of patients and caregivers in setting priorities for future lung cancer research.

The Lung Cancer Engagement Network (LCEN) intends to engage a diverse network of lung cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers in generating and defining research priorities to create a patient-centered research agenda by utilizing the most critical voice: YOURS, THE PATIENTS and CAREGIVERS!

By including your unique voice, you are helping to build knowledge, inform lung cancer science, and improve patient quality of life for all those affected by lung cancer.

To learn more about the project and how you might be able to help, please visit our survey link below.

Hero Image

Voices Need to Be Heard

This project is funded through a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute® (PCORI®) Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award (#EACB-29067).
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center logo
GO2 for Lung Cancer Excellence in Healthcare Delivery logo
Cancer Center NCI-Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center
This project has been reviewed and approved (May 29, 2024) for IRB Exemption by WCG IRB. The exemption determination was made based on the criteria set forth by the IRB and applicable regulations.