Lung cancer screening is recommended annually for individuals at high risk for lung cancer. However, primary care provider-initiated discussions about lung cancer screening and referrals for screening are low overall, particularly among Black or African Americans and other minoritized racial and ethnic groups. Disparities also exist in patients receiving provider advice to quit smoking. This course was tested and evaluated in a clinical study and showed improvement in knowledge when comparing the pre-test to the post-test.
Citation: Smith, L, Williams, RM, Whealan, J, Windels, A, Anderson, ED, Parikh, V, Breece, CJ, Puran, N, Shepherd, AK, Geronimo, M, Luta, G, Adams-Campbell, L, Taylor, KL (2023). Development and Evaluation of Brief Web-based Education for Primary Care Providers to Address Inequities in Lung Cancer Screening and Smoking Cessation Treatment. Journal of Cancer Education, 2023 Aug;38(4):1296-1303. doi: 10.1007/s13187-023-02262-3.